Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bay Area Therapists Specializing in Adolescents

This is exciting! Dr. Keith Sutton (Family Psychologist and President of the Association of Family Therapists of Northern California) and I are launching a new professional organization for the Bay Area:

Bay Area Therapists Specializing in Adolescents (BATSA).

This is a professional group for therapists in the San Francisco Bay Area working with adolescents. It consists of mental health professionals from multiple disciplines (e.g., MFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD, MD) as well as affiliate members (e.g., teachers, tutors, school advisors). If you specialize in working with adolescents, come join our group to share resources and meet colleagues. We have a listserv, workshops, and a will be organizing a conference. Membership is free, so if you specialize in adolescents, welcome to the group.

Also, please let me know if you would be interested in volunteering 2 hours of your time to do a presentation to the group

To join BATSA, please go to: https://www.bigtent.com/groups/batsa

Monday, December 21, 2009

Self-Esteem Group for Girls

Beginning in January, I am facilitating Self-Esteem Groups for Girls with award winning teen author and educator, Annie Fox. We are running the groups in Palo Alto, Mill Valley and San Francisco. It's very exciting!
Please click on link below for details:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Depression and the holidays

The holidays are difficult for many people, for many reasons. However, for people who suffer with depression, they can be unbearable. In fact, often times people with depression are just waiting for the holidays to be over; just going through the motions. This tends to be particularly true for people who have lost loved ones. The holidays can be a time of relentless reminders of double-edged memories and "what ifs". If this is you, it is more important than ever to be diligent about self-care. Spend time with people who make you happy and fill you up. Treat yourself to things you normally wouldn't. I think this is a helpful link about how to cope with stress or depression during the holidays: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress/MH00030

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

why do women blame themselves?

This city of San Francisco is filled with beautiful, successful, smart single women. Just go into any wine bar and see for yourself. I know many of these women personally and professionally. One thing that I am always reminded of is our tendency to blame ourselves. We can twist just about anything to make it our fault (especially being single). This detriment is particularly true for moms. Why is this? Did we learn it from our moms?Did we learn it from men? From each other? All of the above? On the positive side, we can get out of this. We absolutely can overcome this tendency and live better, fuller lives once we release ourselves. It takes work, but it is 100% surmountable.

Friday, October 16, 2009

teen depression

I recently saw a teen client who suffers from mild depression. He has supportive, great parents but it had
gone undiagnosed for years. The symptoms can be easy to misdiagnose. They often include inattention, forgetfulness, disorganization and lack of motivation. The parents recently took him to get a psychological evaluation. They were expecting to hear that he had ADHD and were very surprised to learn that he did not have ADHD, bur infact has been depressed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Check out this article by the Washington Post on the latest findings for Autistic Spectrum Disorders: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/checkup/2009/10/embargoed_till_monday_oct_5_12.html?wprss=checkup

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Between 3 and five percent of the teenage population experiences depression each year, but less than a quarter of those who face this disorder will receive appropriate treatment. That is just what has been reported. I actually believe the rates are much higher.